We have been introduced to Rutland

The Rutland Herald posted an article today about Moosalamoo Woods & Waters. Staff Writer Susan Smallheer talked to a few of us and then described our new group and our current project of providing property maps to landowners in the BLSG Insect Control District who want to opt out of roadside pesticide spraying along their property.

Malathion or permethrin are sprayed along town roads during the warm months to kill adult mosquitoes. To opt out of spraying along your property, you must mail a letter with a map of your property to BLSG. We will email you a property map for this purpose (see instructions here).

The BLSG website states that opt out letters must be mailed by “early April” every year, so there is not much time left. Today’s Rutland Herald article stated that letters should be sent before May 15, but that is when the spraying might start, so I think the time to opt out is right now.

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